Maven 101

Below is a page dedicated to the most frequently asked questions about Little Maven.

We call them the “Need to Knows” or the “101’s” of Little Maven.

Just below you can also find a one page document with our most common FAQ’s so that you can be prepared when a guest asks you.

Guest Wifi

Network: Little Maven Guest

Password: beourguest

Bar Mural

JULU Mural

by Juliana Lupacchino

The colorful mural behind our bar and on the back wall of the restaurant was designed and hand painted by an artist named Juliana Lupacchino.

Juliana is based out of North Carolina and her artisitic medium is colors and murals.

Julu partners with individuals and business who have a passion for art and design and have a passion to transform spaces.

“Symobls of Strength” Mural

by Esteban Monsalve

Commissioned to create a mural in
our private dining room.

The design consists in one continue line that doesn’t intercept with any other line, overflowing beams and ceiling and creating a 3-D effect to immerse the viewer in a magical experience to discover multiples shapes and imagines from their imagination.